Friday, April 6, 2007


Well, cannot believe that I am finally doing it- let's see how long it lasts. I guess I want to record of some of the interesting "adventures" I have for future references. Would be a shame if some details got lost, wouldn't it?

Actually life has been dull lately. I am not traveling nearly as much as I used to or would love to, so "adventures" is a bit of an overstatement. I will start with one happened about a week ago- March 28th, 2007 to be precise.

I always have "a thing" for architectures. Luckily Boston area has a lot to offer in this regards. There is this "mysterious" house on my way to work (not exactly on the way, but a minor detour) I am always curious about. It is not exactly a house, but more like a mansion, not exactly a mansion, but more like a castle, not exactly a castle, but more like... whatever, nondescript. Anyway it is nothing like a regular America house with clapboard shingles, or bricks, or logs, or stones. First of all it is huge- three stories high plus a bird cage thing on the roof. The outside material is like some sort of terra cotta, and in that color too with white patterns. At first glance it looked a bit unkempt-maybe because the paint is peeling. There is a gorgeous bronze lion head knocker on the wooden door. I was never sure if anyone really lived there. Sometimes I saw one gloomy light in the upper floor when I passed by it in the evenings. The glass windows have nice geometrical metalic inlaids, and you can barely see some china displayed near them. Sometimes I see a Chevy PT crusier parked in the drive way. I am dying of curiosity as what kind of house it is- private residence or what.

I "schemed" of going knocking on the door to ask about the house, but was too chicken to do it on my own. It is a big, dark, mysterious house after all. So I managed to persuade A to come with me to investigate "when it is sunny and warm outside (part of my sales pitch)". To clear my conscience, I forewarned A my reason for having him to come along- "in case someone shoots at us, or something might happen, and I need him to hold the ground while I run for my life". I am an honest person you know =).

Anyhow eventually last Wednesday seemed to be a good day- we both were free in the late afternoon and it was a VERY sunny day. Sunny is important for us (and I imagine whoever we are going to encounter) psychologically, heehee. So off we went. A was intrigued at the sight of the house, but we stared at each other for a moment, didn't know what to do. Finally I said to A:"This is it. Are we going to do this? Are we going to do it?... Alright, I will do the talking". So I drew a deep breath, walked up the steps, and pressed the door bell-not the lion head knocker, but an electronic door bell! Nothing happened. I turned around and said to A, in doubt, "Is this bell working? I don't know if anyone is here." A, at least two feet away from me down the steps, said:"Yeah, it is working, someone just looked through the window."

I will finish the story later. I need to give my parents a call...

I am also at a low point in my violin practice- the current pieces are so hard, so I get discouraged very easily. Sigh. Also I cannot get the vibrato right =(. A word of encouragement for myself- it is supposed to be hard, so keep at it.

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